
woman raising her hand with question

The Sierra Renaissance Society of El Dorado County is a group of El Dorado County senior adults who remain curious and want to learn about new topics, meet new people, and have fun!

We all participate by attending monthly presentations and small group workshops. Members choose to study topics proposed by peers who lead the seminars.  The subjects constantly evolve based on the interests of the members. We are enthusiastic about Lifelong Learning—our seminars are limited only by the imagination of our members!

I don’t believe in aging at all. Aging is a losing concept. Our group believes in learning and staying alive and active and teaching.”
Robert Heilman, professor (d. 2019), who helped found the Renaissance Society in Sacramento in 1986

Membership is open to all adults who wish to learn and help others to learn…no college degree required for membership—just the wisdom that comes with experience and the curiosity to continue learning.

History of Sierra Renaissance Society.

For meeting schedule click here.

Board of Directors

  • Mary LynchPresident
  • Carol HeapeVice President
  • Linda WestwoodSecretary
  • Mark Stanley – Treasurer, Chief  Technology Officer
  • Rosemary ImesImmediate Past President
  • Cheryl PurgetPublicity Chairperson
  • Dore MoriguchiMember at Large
  • Norman Orrick Member-at-Large
  • Keith AtwaterMember at Large


See the SRS bylaws here